Shop Local for Your CBD Needs

Buy Colorado wholesale CBD sold and bottled in Loveland, CO

You can find Colorado wholesale CBD bottled right from the farm. Glacier Pure CBD works with a local farmer to sell locally grown and processed CBD products.

Our farm-to-bottle line includes:

600mg full spectrum 1oz - natural, peppermint and lemon
1200mg full spectrum 1oz - natural, peppermint and lemon
1800mg full spectrum 1oz - natural, peppermint and lemon

You can call or email us for pricing.

Call now to order Colorado wholesale CBD from us in Loveland, CO.

Get your CBD from your own neighborhood

Get your CBD from your own neighborhood

When you buy locally grown CBD, you're supporting your community and your local economy. You're also getting a great deal on authentic, quality CBD products. We partner with local farmers to boost the economy and be sure we're providing our customers with quality, affordable CBD products.

Contact us today to ask about the locally grown CBD we provide throughout the Loveland, CO area.